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on November 21, 2005 at 12:17:08 pm

The Film Society in New Zealand


2006 marks 60 Years of the Film Society movement in New Zealand.


This Wiki has been establised to try to bring together the history of its origins and achievements.


Much of the material will be collected from other sources. Though it is Wiki etiquette not to name contributors, it would however be courteous to acknowledge in italics the source and author of material copied. Thanks: DavidLindsay









Since this service is pretty new, it's probably going to be changing a *lot*. Please keep your eyes peeled and email us at support@pbwiki.com if you see anything broken or that you don't like. Thanks! :)




  • WhatWikiIs - history and explanation
  • WikiStyle - find out how to edit wikis
  • SandBox - play around here to figure out how to edit wiki pages

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